vrijdag 22 februari 2013

Book layout

 The next thing I wanted to figure out for my CD Cover was how many pages I would need to do.  I don't feel that every song needs a full ring page and I don't think the book would look as good with 12 rings as it woudl with a fewer number.  I will be trying out the ring pages in the next couple of days to confirm this theory.

I decided to give the Prolog a full page, to make the concept clear of the rings and give a inroduction to the theme of following the deer through the forest.

I thought of the potentially of making a metamorphoses stag so that you place a cylinder in the centre to view the image.  This idea is not really relevant so I won't be doing it.  It doesn't add anything to the theme and would be a better idea if the whole book was done like that (idea for the future :D).

Andro will also get a full page as this a a circle dance so I would like to take benifit of the page's shape to make a visual circle dance.

Unda and Von den Elben will share a page as I feel these themes will visually combine well.

The next page will be quite a few together.  Ne Aludj El, Deva/Punagra (these are two songs but in Faun's sleevnotes they are handled as one story) and Wind & Geige.

I haven't written out ideas for the other pages yet but the next will be Isis and Cernunnos, the two songs with Deities' names as titles, and the last lyric page will be Egil Saga and Fort

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