vrijdag 8 februari 2013

The time has come my little friends to talk of many things...

Well after three and a half years at the academy I am now working on my final exam projects for my Bachelor of Illustration.  I have been going for a couple of months but hadn't quite gotten around to starting this blog.  The next few posts will be a quick flash-back through the work I've done so far and then I will make a weekly post for each project to show you what I'm up to. 

To start off I'll give a quick introduction to the project outlines we were given.  The first one had to be based on a Dutch book called "In Europa" (yep you guessed it, "In Europe") which is a historical account of events in Europe during the 20th century.  From this we could pick any subject and base and build a project around it which is relevant to our future position as an illustrator.

The second project was either based around a music centre or could be a completely free project as long as you could justify it sufficiently.

Running along these two illustration projects we having to carry out a research project which is connected to either one or both of the projects. 

I had loads of different ideas for these projects so I will post those seperately so I can show the proces I went to.

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