woensdag 13 februari 2013

CD Cover Shape/Form

An important part of the CD Cover to me is the actual shape and form it will take.  What I mean is that I don't want to make a standard Jewel Case CD Cover but more of an inventive bookform that will add meaning to the album.

I wrote down the ideas I had so far and then I made some mini very rough protoypes to get a visual on the ideas.

I started pretty simple with just a fold-up cover -> very boring, doesn't add any meaning to the theme of the album.

Continuing on from this point I tried a folding cover instead but it still wasn't anything particularly interesting.

I then combined the square shape of the first tryout with the fold out idea of the second and added pop-up trees.  With a bit more work it could be a fun idea. Sadly pop-up is such an art in itself and as I don't have a lot of experience with it, I don't think I could do it justice.

 Keeping the layered tree idea I decided to make a cutout tree-scape that folded up.  It looks quite cool but it would be tricky to incorporate all of the songs which is what I want to do.  One would also have to be careful to avoid making it too much like a Christmas Card.


Instead of doing something folding next I made a little box and put cutout leaves in it.  It's quite funny, because in Dutch sheet music is called "blad muziek" which can also translate as leaf music. I quite like this idea but it just seems a bit too simple in some way.

I decided to go back to the book form at this stage.  I stuck with the tree theme but this time I decided to include the previously discovered circle shape.  When one think tree and tree I certainly think of the rings inside the trunk that show how old the tree is.  I made a small book (not with the right amount of pages because it was so small) that takes you through the tree, each page being a ring of the tree.

This one did seem a bit simple in shape, so I remade it.  I cut out the top page to make it the shape of the tree and added a roots page at the back.  I made these roots stretch out so it looks like you viewing the tree from above. Although it looks cool, I'm not sure how practical the root page is for printing on large scale.  I'm very happy with this idea and think that this will be the one I will develop further.  It adds meaning to the theme of travelling through the forest but in a more Druidic form.  The Druids believed that trees held great knowledge and this would reflect that.

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