vrijdag 8 februari 2013

What the Folk?!!!

The next task was to decide on what type of music to focus on.  I like all sorts of folk but the themes and atmospheres are very different between the sub-genres of folk so I thought it was pretty important to have a look at different covers and pick a genre I felt most connected with my work.

 I decided on the genre Pagan Folk.  Sorry the slides are in Dutch as I am at a Dutch Academy and I used these for my presentation exam.  Basically I've pointed out that Traditional Folk covers are often posed photos of the band, the band playing live or pub scenes.  Powerfolk and Punk Folk covers also have the theme of pubs and drinking but also have a more serious tone in reference the Irish Troubles and other Rebellion.  Also Traditional Cliché Irish and Scottish symbols are often used such as the Clover and Scottish Clan Badge.  Pagan Folk music on the other hand has a more Poetic feel to it and often has themes of Pagan Gods, Spiritulism, Magical Worlds and Nature.  As I often use these themes in my work I felt this was the genre that I could really put most of myself into.

I continued by researching the Dutch market for this genre.  I focused mainly on the Dutch Folk/Medieval Festivals where this music is performed live.

The main attractions of these festivals are:
-The Music
-The Market: This ranges from fantasy items for the home to smithy-made swords
-The Costumes worn by the visitors and performers

An important point here for the merchandising of this genre is the target audience's love of old crafts.  A lot of the stalls have craft items for sale and they sell very well.

The general thems at these fairs which the visitors are interested in are:

This connects back very well to how Pagan Folk CD Covers are designed. 

I personally enjoy playing with the old crafts such as embroidery and leather working and certainly shall be using these skills and interests when applicable in my merchandising.

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