dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Feather Cape and Mask

To start off my costume project I wanted to experiment with lino printing on fabric.  To keep it simpple I decided to make a Maori inspired feather cape. 

I picked five native New Zealand Birds and made a lino cut each of their feathers:

The Kiwi

 The Pukeko

 The Tui

The Kea

The Fantail

I then printed the feathers on brown material, I tried it on white first but it didn't really look to good, not natural enough.  I then sewed all of the feathers onto a cape. 

And because I like getting dressed up I took a photo of it on too with a feather and moko (Maori tatoo art on chin).

As another test for this project I made a Maori inspired mask out of clay.  I used this carving as my main inspiration.

I painted it in colours that went with my cape.  To try out different textures I kept the left side smooth and roughed up the other side with an old coarse paintbrush.

I would certainly like to keep the Maori influences but not use them as much as I have done here. I would prefer to combine these styles with my own interest of old European fashions.

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