vrijdag 8 februari 2013

In Europa Folk Music

In the earlier search throught the In Europa text I discovered a couple of quotes which lead to a music genre very close to my heart: Traditional Folk Music.  These quotes are:

p. 290 "In the village of Llangynog I wash ashore at the Wern Inn. I collapse into a deep sleep, but a few hours later I am wide awake again. Blasting from the pub downstairs are the strains of ‘The House of the Rising Sun’ and ‘Mrs Robinson’, followed by ‘Oh, Boy’, and everyone's singing along. I get dressed. Downstairs, in the bar, the whole village is rinsing away defeat: Wales has lost to England at rugby. The regulars are singing karaoke; ‘Oh here's to you, Mrs Robinson …’


p.292They take me along to the pub. Jackie goes into one of the side rooms for her weekly folk-dance lesson: step up, step back, turn, and turn.”

As I really wanted to work in a CD Cover and Merchandising I thought it would be a lot more logical to actually have a musical theme opposed to a Literary one (Oscar Wilde).  

I like lots of different types of music but folk has a very personal connection: I am currentlyself publishing a traditional Folk Lyrics Book together with a class mate; I often use Folk lyrics as inspiration in my work; I go to a lot of festivals where it is performed live; I have had Scottish Country Dancing Lessons and it represents a piece of my UK heritage and homeland. 

And so the theme was set...


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